The Success Principles by Jack Canfield
The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want To Be by Jack Canfield is a book that encourages the readers to take responsibility for their own success.
The book was divided into six sections, each of which contained scores of short chapters that offered strategies for reaching one’s highest potential. I have benefited from the writings of Stephen Covey, Anthony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, and Dale Carnegie. I’m glad to add Jack Canfield to this list of teachers who inspire me to reach my highest potential.
The essential message, I think, is that we as individuals must take responsibility for our lives. Canfield opens his book with a story of personal responsibility, and throughout the nearly 500 pages, he describes the importance of setting goals, holding oneself accountable, and creating a life is consistent with the vision of success we have for ourselves. He suggests that we measure our progress in every area: financial, fitness, relationships, spirituality, contributions to society, intellectual growth, and any other area of importance to us.
Because I knew that I would be referring to this work frequently, I keep a list of notes with the page number on which I found the wisdom. I recommend this book to anyone interested in strategies for personal development.
I really enjoy reading self-help literature. These kinds of books have helped me keep my focus during the 21 years of prison that I’ve already served. I use the information that I gather to help me with courses I teach I in prison camp or speeches that I deliver. The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want To Be by Jack Canfield was inspiring and it offered a lot of content that I will use in years to come.