New Prisoner Information
Self-Surrendering to Federal Prison Camp
Reporting to a federal prison camp can bring anxiety to an individual and to family members. Those convicted of white collar crimes or minor drug offenses usually serve time in federal prison camps. Yet if they do not have previous experience with the criminal justice system, people are susceptible to frightening, though misleading influences from […]
Resources for white collar criminals
Today, on September 22, partners in my network of support have launched a new version of, a white collar crime resource. This Web site will publish information to help individuals understand the American prison system, the people it holds, and strategies to emerge successfully. My term began in 1987, and during the more than […]
Suggestions for New Prisoners
Now is a much better time to begin serving a prison sentence. That may sound ridiculous to the casual reader, the normal person who doesn’t believe there is ever a good time to begin a prison term. I am speaking relatively. The time is much better than 1987, when I began serving my sentence. In […]